Even up till now, some of you have not been able to Use any SIM
on your Internet Modem unlock, I have decided to Publish this tutorial in order to enable you use
different sim cards in your Modem without Unlocking. Its Very Simple but you will need to have
Nokia PC Suite Installed
on your PC before this tutorial can be useful for You.
Lets Get Started!
1. Download Nokia PC suite to your PC at nokia.com or google search for it.
2. Insert any SIM into your Modem {Even if it is not Unlocked} and
plug to your PC.
3. Your Modem will display Invalid SIM Warning, just ignore it and close modem software.
4. Start NOKIA PC suite.
5. Click on File > Connect to the Internet, then click on the the spanner Like Icon to Configure it.
6. Select your Modem from the List, and Input the Operator APN
setting as when you want use Nokia mobile connection.
Eg:- Airtel = internet.ng.zain.com
MTN = web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Glo = glogwap
Etisalat = etisalat
7. Finish Set up.
8. Now connect to internet
through PC suite.
9. Wow!!! You are connect to the Internet using your PC Suite +
Modem without unlocking the modem.
NOTE:- You can insert another Sim Card and follow the above steps then you put the APN of the network provider and you
are good to go.
>>>carry these out step by step. Dont skip any step. Please Try And
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Good blog.........
It's very really amazing information.
After read your post i downloaded Nokia PC suite.I followed your steps.But i was not able to use other network sim card on my modem.So I unlocked my Dongle with a help of ClassicUnlocking.com
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