<a href="/registration_site.xhtml?do_id=0">Register</a>
By clicking the above link users will have
the option to register on your site and
become an active member of your site..
The above link will direct users to the
registration page that we are going to
design in this tutorial.. This page has all
the options for you to edit or change
and you can also add more variable to
store more info about the users.. :) Lets
do it for our sites..
1. Login to your free wapka account
2. Goto Admin Mode
3. Goto ES > WAP2 > Click Styles for
login/registration link > Click
Registration page > Now you wil be
on the registration page settings
page..Here you will see one textarea
where you can add codes and tags
and a submit button to save the
record.. Also there are tags listed to
help you manage the page
accurately. :)
Now in textarea you can use
following tags o codes to design your
registration page..
A. ::notifications:: - This tag is
mandatory, this displays the result
to the user if his submitted inputs
are correct or not.. This will also
show the message if the user
name is laready tajken and more..
If you like to design it too you can
do it b adding new class in your
style sheet file with name
reg_notification in styles you can
add many other CSS tags as you
like.. Remeber that these
notification are enclosed in p tag..
B. :login - This tag is also
mandatory, with this tag user will
see input box where he/she can
chose his/her username, if the
username is already taken he/she
will see error message because of
above tag.. :)
::password1:: - This tag adds the
password field to the registration
page.. User can enter his/here
password in this field.. in this tag 1
means that user has to enter his
password here and in the second
code too which is as under, in
other case the user will see error
::password2:: - This tag is used to
confirm the password that user
has entered in the
above ::password1:: tag.. This tag
is also mandatory as like the
::email:: - This field is added in the
registration page to get the user
mail address so that you can send
welcome email or verify user and
so on, this tag is also mandatory..
This tag is already having the HTML
breakline br tag at the end..
::lpsq:: - This tag adds option to set
the security question. In case the
user lost his/her password, he/she
can retrieve it by answering his/
her set answer.. You can add own
questions as well but thats not the
scope of this tutorial.. This tag also
have the br tag at the end so next
item will be on new line always..
::msgfa:: - This tag adds the field
for the user to send YOU some info
or tell you something or whatever..
This field is only visible to YOU
because this field is only for admin
::captcha:: - This tag adds the
captcha check in your registration
page.. With the user can only
register if user has wrote the
correct words from captcha..
Unfortunately you can not change
the styles of captcha but you can
disable it if you like..
::profile:: - This tag adds all the
fields from ES > USER > USER
more info about the user with the
help of this profile variable system..
I will not cover it in my this tutorial
but will be added a complete
tutorial on it..
::submit:: - This tag adds the
submit button which is the action
if user want to register after
writing his/her info in other fields..
5. You can use many other HTML tags in
this and also you can use javascript,
You can style your page with CSS.. It all
depends only on you..
6. After you are done just click UPDATE
STYLE button and check your
registration page..
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