Thursday, 15 August 2013

How To Use more than 100MB Internet Bundles On Using MTN Daily BIS for Android Phones

for MTN USERS ONLY subscribe to BBCDAY to 21600

1. Create abt 4-5 email adrs or more
make sure u also signup those emails
on droidvpn website ( so as to enjoy
more than 100MB bandwith

2. login one of ur email adr to droid
vpn app
3. open operamini or any browser and
signin d present acc to droid vpn
website (google search the website)
to see the bandwidth u've used for
that day.
4. Browse as you like bt always check
ur acc to see the bandwidth used.
5. Once it reaches 90mb or more bt
not 100mb, stop droidvpn, clear the
data or reinstall it and signin with
another acc. continue the process
for droidvpn settings, SET UDP PORT
as 500. and u re good to go.

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